Checking your credit score can be a pain. You search for a number to call, an app to download, or a website to enter your personal information. You also hope this won’t affect your credit score.
With My Credit Score in our mobile app (available in online banking), you can check your credit score anytime and anywhere for free. Also, this doesn’t impact your credit score because it’s a soft pull. A soft pull is usually when you personally check your credit score. It does not show up on a credit report.
The benefits of using My Credit Score include daily access to your credit score, real-time credit monitoring alerts, personalized credit reports, and special credit offers. These tools are designed to help you monitor and improve your credit score. You can even simulate your future credit score based on the impact of getting a new loan, increasing card balances, raising limits, paying down balances, or missing a monthly payment.
How to view My Credit Score in our mobile app:
Step 1
Download the CCFBank Mobile App for Android or iOS.
Step 2
Log in with your online banking username and password on the mobile app.
Step 3
Under Quick Links, select My Credit Score. You’ll be prompted to enter your information to view your credit score.
Step 4
View your credit score, get a full credit report, credit monitoring, financial tips, education, and more!
You must have at least one line of credit in your name to see a credit score. If you don’t have a line of credit, you can open a credit card and after the first month, you will get a credit score.
Don’t have an account to check your credit score? Our Beyond Spend Checking account is a point-based debit card rewards account with no fees, minimums, or overdraft fees.